How to onboard a participant

1. Click the 'Onboard User' button

2. Click 'Add Participant'

3. Fill out the contact details for the participant

5. You'll then be prompted to add a wallet

3. Name the wallet (i.e. Coffee Budget)

4. Add a description (i.e. Use this wallet for Coffee)

6. Select whether the wallet will be a General Wallet (a wallet that a SpendAble card is used to pay from) or a Cash Wallet (a wallet where you can manually track cash transactions)

7. Click 'Next'

8. You'll then be taken to the 'order card' screen.

9. Select whether the card is for a participant to use, or a support worker

10. Input the address you'd like to have the card delivered to

11. Click 'Order & Back to List' if you don't need to order another card, or 'Order Another Card' if you do need to order another card

12. You've successfully onboarded a participant!

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How to onboard a parent
How to onboard a support worker