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Frequently Asked Questions
We'll show you how to use the SpendAble App and Budget Hub to move money between your wallets.
Understand your transactions in detail
Learn how to reset or recover your password
We'll show you your options if you've misplaced your card.
I'm a PARTICIPANT or PARENT setting up SpendAble for the first time
Here is everything you need to know to put funds on your SpendAble card to pay
See all of the different support options you have
Learn how to pay using SpendAble
Here is how to order a card for participants and support workers to make payments
I'm a PROVIDER setting up SpendAble for the first time
Create accounts, assign roles and order your cards
Learn about our card system and how you can set it up for your needs
Let us show you how easy it is to deposit to your SpendAble account
Learn how the transaction process works
See, review and download your transactions
Give access to parents & guardians so you never have to develop your own statements again!
Know how to access support from a member of the SpendAble team
I'm a Participant
Here's everything you need to get started with your SpendAble participant account
Learn how money is deposited to your SpendAble account
Understand how SpendAble works when you need to pay
See what transaction details are captured in SpendAble so you can keep providers accountable for your money
Learn the key differences between your PIN and password
Learn about the ways you can receive support
I'm a support worker
Learn the ropes as a support worker using SpendAble
Understand how SpendAble works when you need to pay for a participant's expenses
See the transactions and receipts of your SpendAble users
I'm a Super Admin
Manage rent, bills, activity and day program payments within SpendAble
Create, edit, remove users. Reset passwords and update details of users.
Manage non-NDIS claimable costs (art supplies, activities, shared groceries) that are organised by the provider
Order, report lost and change the PIN's of your cards
View receipts, download and review transactions
Set limits, connect users and check balances of your wallets
Learn how financial management plans can be programmed in SpendAble
I'm a provider using the SpendAble Free Plan
Read this first for a quick crash course into SpendAble's Free cash wallet plan
Create, edit, remove users. Reset passwords and update details of users
Connect users and check/update the balances of the cash wallets
Add a transaction log, upload receipts, review spending and generate reports