Welcome to SpendAble for participants

Welcome to SpendAble!  We're excited to support you on your journey.

Who is SpendAble?

We’re making financial independence accessible to everyone, regardless of age, ability or background.

  1. Lived Experience — 50% of our founding team are people with disability
  2. We understand the industry — we owned and operated a service provider for 5 years before starting SpendAble
  3. Committed to accessible finance — we believe everyone deserves to be financially independent, so we're building the tools to facilitate it

Why do we exist?

1 in 2 people with disability will experience financial abuse or fraud in their lifetime.  

SpendAble fills the gap by offering a secure solution designed to build participant capacity & independence.

What is the problem?

It’s risky for support workers to handle money for participants who need support to spend their money. Cash or card sharing leave you unprotected.

SpendAble gives you a safe, secure solution

How does SpendAble solve these challenges?

Thousands of participants trust SpendAble to protect them when support workers need to spend their money for them plus build their skills and capacity, in one easy-to-use system.

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