How to Deposit Money to your wallets

How does money get into my wallets? 

Money is added to SpendAble with a simple transfer from your bank account. You do the whole process from your online bank portal. There is no action required in the SpendAble software to send money to your wallets. 

What do I need to deposit money? 

You will need the following details if you want to deposit money to your wallets: 

  • Your wallet's unique ID
  • The SpendAble bank account details

How do I get my unique wallet ID? 

You can find the unique wallet ID you want to transfer to by pressing the 'How To Deposit' button on the dashboard. From there select the participant and wallet that you want to deposit to. Your deposit details will be shown on the page. 

Hit the How To Deposit button on the dashboard
Hit the How To Deposit button on the dashboard
View the bank deposit details when you select a participant and a wallet
View the bank deposit details when you select a participant and a wallet

Note: Your unique wallet ID can also be found on the wallets page as the first column labelled 'id'. 

What are the SpendAble bank details? 

  • Account Name: SpendAble (Gimme IT Pty Ltd)
  • BSB: 062 692
  • Account #: 4531 7702
  • Description: [Wallet ID]

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