Articles in this category

Adding Parents And Guardians

Learn about the benefits of adding parents or guardians to view participant accounts

Internal transfer for joint participant expenses (SIL/Group expenses)

Learn about how to use internal transfers to make joint expenses from multiple participants quick, easy and accountable. 

My Support workers card isn't working: Troubleshooting guide

Read this troubleshooting guide to understand some of the common reasons why your card isn't working when you try to pay. 

My participant card is not working when I try to pay: Troubleshoot guide

Read this to understand the common reasons why your participant card is not working.

Paying using the participant card

Learn about the process for participant's paying using their own cards

Paying with a support worker card

Learn about using a support worker card for purchases and payments

Welcome to SpendAble for providers

We're really happy to have you on SpendAble

Who Should Be Setting Up SpendAble?

We explain who has the authority to set up a SpendAble account/organisation

How to Deposit Money to your wallets

In this article, you will discover the simple steps to deposit money into your SpendAble wallet from your bank account.

Sign Up Your Super Admin

You're the first user to sign up. Get the tips and tricks here

SpendAble Support: Support When You Need It

In this article, we will explore the various ways to receive support from SpendAble for managing your account and troubleshooting any issues.

What cards should I order?

Understand who you should order a card for

What details are on a transaction?

Learn about what details are captured by SpendAble during the transaction process

Create Your Organisation

During the onboarding you will need to set up your organisation

I Want To Speak To A Real Person

How to call or email a member of the SpendAble team

Search, filter and download transactions

Learn how to filter transactions, download reports and produce statements for your clients. 

What are the options for providers depositing?

Understand how you can deposit money to make things easy for your team

What's a participant card?

Understand the purpose of a participant card

Add Your Participants

Learn how to set up your participant users 

How do you add receipts and photos to transactions?

Read this to learn how to add photos and receipts to a transaction record

What's a Supporter (Shared) Card?

We explain what a supporter card is and how it is used

Where do I find visual guides for Participants?

Here is a list of the links for all SpendAble visual guides for participants that you can access.

What are the card PIN's

Understand what the card PIN is and how you can set it

What are wallets?

Understand what wallets are and how they are used

Where do I find visual guides for support workers?

Find the links to the visual guides for support workers here

How do I add a wallet?

Learn how to add a wallet for a participant

I Just Want Staff To Walk In And Pick Up The Card and It Is Ready To Pay...

Understand how to achieve this, but it does come with risks

How to set up a SIL house for joint expenses?

You can set up a SIL house to manage joint contribution funds for items such as groceries & utilities.

Troubleshooting Card Orders

Read this to understand why your card order is failing

How do I set up a business expense account and order a card?

Learn how to set up an account so that you can use SpendAble to track expenses within the business