How to connect and disconnect a staff member to a participant's cash wallet

If your staff are spending money on behalf of a participant, you'll need to connect them to the participants wallet so they can record spending.

SpendAble is configured this way to ensure that transactions are logged by people with permission to access funds.  These connections also ensure your admin staff can see who has permission to access client funds before handing over the money to the staff member.

Connecting a staff member to a participant wallet

1. Select the wallet you want to connect a staff member to from the 'wallets' tab

2. Click the '+' button on the 'users connect' section of the wallet profile

3. Search the email of the staff member you are connecting

4. Select 'connect & back to list' if you don't need to connect any other staff members to this wallet.  Select 'connect and add another user' if you do need to connect other staff members.

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Creating a cash wallet
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