Troubleshooting: The card isn't working

Here are some of the common reasons why a card might not be working and how you can fix them. 

Card isn't connected to the wallet

Problem: Your card is not connected to a wallet which means there are no funds available.

When you login to your participant account the card status will show "No wallet selected"

View of the participant app with
View of the participant app with "No wallet selected" displayed

Solution: Login to your Participant account and follow the instructions to pay for your first purchase  (

When you have done this, your screen should look like this

Display of a successfully active card on the participant app
Display of a successfully active card on the participant app

The PIN you are using is incorrect

Problem: At the store you are trying to use you PIN but it is saying there is an error or incorrect PIN. 

Solution: Update your PIN so that it is the same as the PIN you are trying to use at the store. 

You can ask your super admin to do this or you can do it yourself in the app.

Follow these instructions if you are changing your PIN as the Super Admin: 

You don't have enough money to make the transaction

Problem: You are tapping the card but it does not have enough money in the balance to pay. 

Solution: You can transfer funds to the wallet you are trying to use by sending money to your SpendAble account or transferring funds internally. 

You're trying to use the wrong card

Problem: You have picked up the wrong card and are trying to use that card even though there is no money or wallets connected to that card. 

Solution: Ensure you have the last 4 digits correct and they are the same as the ones on the home screen of your app. Get the correct card if this is the wrong one. 

Highlighting the correct card for the user in their app
Highlighting the correct card for the user in their app

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I've lost my card, what do I do?