Participants wanting to manage their own money
Participants can set up their own SpendAble organisation to manage their funds. You can do this through the self-serve sign up.
When signing up you will name the organisation your own name and you won't need to have an ABN.
Directors/Finance/Managers to manage client funds
To set up a SpendAble organisation you will need the proper authorisation from your company. We generally only onboard an organisation with managers, operations or finance team members.
If you're a support worker, ask to be linked to the organisation by your manager.
If you're from a service provider (<100 participants) you can self-serve your sign up through the process.
Small-Medium providers sign-up here, if you're larger please contact our onboarding team to get you set up.
Please note, during onboarding we will need to verify your identity and this will mean getting permission from the overall business owner.
Parents/Guardians supporting participants to manage money
Parents can set up a SpendAble organisation for their participant. You can do this through the self-serve sign up.
When signing up you will name the organisation your own name and you won't need to have an ABN.