What cards should I order?

What are SpendAble cards? 

The card is a VISA prepaid debit card which is used at any store that accepts VISA. Generally cards are issued to a participant or a cost centre. Once a card is issued it works very similar to any other card. 

What are the different cards you can order? 

You can order a Participant Card or you can order a Supporter Card.

What's a Participant Card used for? 

A participant card is for a participant that is going to spend their own money. This card is not available to be used by support workers in the app. 

A participant card will have the participant's full name on it (e.g John Smith) 

What's a supporter card? 

A Supporter Card is for support workers that are going to pay for things on behalf of a participant. This helps us track which support workers are using the card and separate the participant card from the supporter. 

A supporter card will generally be named the participant's first name and 'Supporter' as the last name (e.g John Supporter). 

What cards should I order? 

What card you order depends on who will be making payments

Use CaseParticipant CardSupporter Card
Supporters will pay for everything NoYes
Participant will pay for everything themselvesYesNo
Participant and support will pay for some things eachYesYes

How do I order cards? 

Super Admins can order cards from the SpendAble Hub

Here is also a guide for ordering cards as the Super Admin

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What's a participant card?