What's a participant card?

What's the purpose of a participant card? 

A participant card is designed to be only for use by the participant when they are in charge of paying. It is meant for them to have at all times. This card is intended to help prevent environmental physical restrictive practices and ensure you are operating within the NDIS Quality and Safeguard frameworks. 

How does the Participant Card work? 

The participant card is the card that holds the funds of the main wallet (default) of a participant. It can be used any time by a participant and does not require them to login or upload receipts. 

Identifying the default card that is connected to the participant card
Identifying the default card that is connected to the participant card

What if the participant needs to use a different wallet? 

If a participant has multiple wallets they will need to login to SpendAble to use money from a different wallet. It encourages sticking to a budget they have set and prevents accidentally mixing money. 

How all wallets are connected to the participant card
How all wallets are connected to the participant card

How easy is it for a Participant to swap a wallet?

The participant only has to login and select a different wallet on the dropdown of the home screen in their SpendAble app or online. It them shows them how money they have to spend in that wallet. 

The easy dropdown selection for a participant changing their wallet
The easy dropdown selection for a participant changing their wallet

Does every Participant need their own card? 

You don't need to order a card for a participant unless they are going to be making their own purchases. 

You can learn about supporter cards here

If you just want a card that a support worker can pick up and use, read this article

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What cards should I order?
What's a Supporter (Shared) Card?