Create Your Organisation

This article is for Service Providers

You've reached the organisation information form in the onboarding process and you're wondering what information you should enter. 

The organisation information form
The organisation information form

Company Name

Enter the company name either was the business name or the company name that ends in pty ltd. 


Enter the 11 digit ABN

Note: It will not let you proceed without an ABN

Contact Phone

Enter a mobile number in the correct +61 format. This means removing the 0 from the start of your mobile. (example: 0448018425 will be 448018425)


Enter your company website. If you do not have a company website then enter "No Website". 

Note: It will not let you proceed without something entered in this box

Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn

You have the option to enter the company Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn pages. This helps us understand your organisation and allows us to follow you. 

It's not mandatory to enter any of these. 

Address details

Address 1 & 2 will be your postal address. 

City will be your suburb

State needs to be the short and capitalised version of your state (e.g VIC)

Postcode will be the 4 digit zip code for your suburb

Main Contact

Add the main contact details for your organisation. It might be you, or it might be someone in finance or service delivery. 

Make sure you enter a mobile number in the correct +61 format. This means removing the 0 from the start of your mobile. (example: 0448018425 will be 448018425)

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