I'm a Participant
Here's everything you need to get started with your SpendAble participant account
Learn how money is deposited to your SpendAble account
Understand how SpendAble works when you need to pay
See what transaction details are captured in SpendAble so you can keep providers accountable for your money
Learn the key differences between your PIN and password
Learn about the ways you can receive support
Downloading the SpendAble app
Here's how you can download the SpendAble app on your device
How do I add receipts and photos in the SpendAble app
If you want to keep records of your receipts for your spending, this is how to do it!
How do I see my transactions?
learn how to access previous transaction history, receipts and photos
How to change your card pin
Change the 4 digit pin you use at the check out
How to change your log in pin
You have 2 ways you can log into your app, here's how to update and change them
How to make your first deposit
Follow these instructions to load money to your SpendAble wallets
How to switch between wallets in the SpendAble app
Learn how to spend money from different wallets so you can stick to your budget with ease
How to view your budgets in the SpendAble app
Check how much money you have left in your budgets
Logging into the SpendAble app for the first time
What to expect when you log in for the first time
Viewing your transactions in the SpendAble app
Here's how to find the transaction information you're after in the SpendAble app
What information can I view in my transaction data?
Understand all of the information you collect in your transactions
What is the difference between my card pin and log in pin for my app?
Learn the difference between the two key pin numbers associated with your SpendAble account
What's my card PIN?
Learn about your card PIN and how you can change it
What's my password to get into my account?
Learn about your password and how it is different to your card PIN
How to Deposit Money to your participant wallets
In this article, you will discover the simple steps to deposit money into your SpendAble wallet from your bank account.
SpendAble Support: Support When You Need It for participants
In this article, we will explore the various ways to receive support from SpendAble for managing your account and troubleshooting any issues.
What's a default (main) wallet?
Understand what the purpose of a default wallet is and how it is different to other wallets
How do I check a budget in my SpendAble app?
Here's how to make sure you have enough money in your budget
I'm a participant, I Want To Speak To A Real Person
How to call or email a member of the SpendAble team
How do I swap wallets?
Understand how to swap wallets in your app
Where do I find visual guides for Participants?
Here is a list of the links for all SpendAble visual guides for participants that you can access.